Universal Laws
It's been said many times in many ways: Positive thinking and firm belief can help you manifest wealth in many forms.

Napoleon Hill has written a book, “Think and Grow Rich”, that outlines how one can go about manifesting wealth in one's life.This tome is full of inspirational stories about average people who were able to lift themselves out of lives of personal and financial ruin and through the power of positive thinking and persistence bring wealth of many kinds into their lives.

Hill dispenses some basic principles as to how to go about manifesting wealth in ordinary lives:

Developing a Burning Desire for Riches – This is not to mean that you can just sit around hoping. You must develop a desire that is all-consuming. This is the crux of realizing wealth of all kinds in your life. Hill asks the reader to be specific. He instructs us to write down how much, by when, what kind, and the plan to get it. Once you've come up with the list, Hill instructs you to read it – ALOUD – twice a day to brand the answers on your conscious and subconscious mine.

Develop Faith in Your Ability at Manifesting Wealth –  There is a great saying, “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”You must have the deepest feelings that a financially secure life is coming to you, you must have faith that it is coming.The universe is at your service, Hill asserts. It will grant you everything that you desire. That is the thinking meant to evolve by reading your list twice a day.

Act with Persistence Toward Your Goal –  This is the third step to realizing wealth, continuous and persistent action.

In my observation, there is a broad distinction between wishers and hopers and those that seem to pull together anything they want; the difference is action. They act, they move, they make realities.Effortless, easy, that's what action will feel like once you have developed a burning desire and absolute faith that you will have financial rewards.

The 10,000 failures of Thomas Edison are part of his legend. He kept at it, knowing in his heart he was right and that it would happen, eventually,Look at him this way: Step One – he had a strong desire to create a source of light. He believed in himself – Step Two. Step Three – he kept plodding along in the face of many failures until he got to where he knew he could go.

Determination brings your goal into reality. If you are focused on the outcome, if you truly believe you can do it, if you have persistence, the world is yours.